Created By : Vaibhavi Kumari

Reviewed By : Phani Ponnapalli

Last Updated : Apr 21, 2023

If you wish to be aware of What Is The Next Leap Year Calculator with just one click, then you can check out our What Is The Next Leap Year calculator. It will provide you with the next leap year coming after the present year. 

When Is The Next Leap Year after 2024? The next leap year calculator will return the next leap year for you.

When is the next leap year after 2024

Current Year = 2024

Next Leap Year = 2024

Table for What Is The Next Leap Year?

Following is the rule on how to calculate leap year.

Leap years are years that are divisible by 4, except for century years whose year is not divisible by 400. In leap years, there are 29 days in February whereas regular year has only 28.

Table for Leap Year


Is Leap Year?

2000 Yes
2001 No
2002 No
2003 No
2004 Yes
2005 No
2006 No
2007 No
2008 Yes
2009 No
2010 No
2011 No
2012 Yes
2013 No
2014 No
2015 No
2016 Yes
2017 No
2018 No
2019 No
2020 Yes
2021 No
2022 No
2023 No
2024 Yes
2025 No
2026 No
2027 No
2028 Yes
2029 No
2030 No
2031 No
2032 Yes
2033 No
2034 No
2035 No
2036 Yes
2037 No
2038 No
2039 No
2040 Yes

What Is The Next Leap Year After 2023?

With this tool, we will know the next leap year coming after the present year. And here we are going to know What Is The Next Leap Year after the current year below. 

Leap Year

Leap Day


Thursday, February 29


Tuesday, February 29


Sunday, February 29


Friday, February 29


FAQs on What Is The Next Leap Year ?

1. When will the next leap year begin?

Leap year 2024 will begin on Monday, 1 January and ends on Tuesday, 31 December.

2. Was 1976 a leap year?

Yes, 1976 was a leap year. 

3. How many days we will have in a leap year?

Normally, in a year we will have 365 days, but in the case of leap year, we will have 366 days.

4. Where can we find the steps to calculate what is the next leap year?

You can find the steps to calculate this particular calculator on our page.