Created By : Vaibhavi Kumari

Reviewed By : Phani Ponnapalli

Last Updated : Apr 20, 2023

Calculate how many hours between two times if you’re not obtaining any way. You can calculate the time difference based on the hours, minutes, and seconds then you can surely use our Hours calculator, which will make your job easy. 


Starting time


Ending time


Examples To Show Working Of Hours & Minutes

Hours Between Two Time Values Formula

The basic formula to calculate Hours is given,

Time  = End Time – Start Time

Finding Time Between Two Time Values - Hours Calculator? 

The steps to be followed to calculate the Hours are given below. Follow the detailed steps here and make your computations much quicker and easier. 

  • The first step is to obtain the time value you are about to convert into the time.
  • Then also insert the value of the end and start time that you want.
  • Then to get the answer, subtract the End Time from the Start Time.
  • After performing the required math, the resultant value in the time you need.

Hours Calculator Examples

Example 1:

How many hours is between 12 am to 8 pm?


Given that,

Start time = 12:0:0 AM

End time = 8:0:0 PM

To find how many hours between them, we will subtract them,

Time = End Time - Start Time

So, Time = 8:0:0 PM - 12:0:0 AM

Time = 20 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds

So, the Time duration between 12:0:0 and 8:0:0 is 20 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds.

Example 2:

How many hours is between 7:55 am to 12:07 pm?


Given that,

Start time = 7:55:0 AM

End time = 12:07:0 PM

To find how many hours between them, we will subtract them

Time = End Time - Start Time

So, Time = 12:07:0 PM - 7:55:0 AM

Time = 4 hours, 12 minutes, 0 seconds

So, the Time duration between 7:55:0 and 12:07:0 is 4 hours, 12 minutes, and 0 seconds.

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FAQs on Hours Calculator

1. How hours in a whole day?

There are 24 hours in total in a whole day. 

2. Number of days in 3 months?

There are 92 days are in 3 months.

3. Where can I find the steps to find the time between two-time values?

You can find the steps to calculate this particular calculator on our website.