Created By : Vaibhavi Kumari

Reviewed By : Phani Ponnapalli

Last Updated : Apr 21, 2023

If you’re not obtaining any way to calculate the Military Time Converter between Military and Standard Time, then you can surely use our Military Time Converter calculator, which will make your job easy. You only need to put the start Military and Standard Time values and then press the calculate button to obtain your final answer in time.



Examples To Find Converstion btw Military and Standard Time

Finding Military Time Converter?

The steps to calculate the Military Time Converter are given below. Follow the detailed steps here and make your computations much quicker and easier. 

  • If the time is morning then the Military time is the same as regular time in the morning hours. When we will add a zero if the time is earlier than 10 am. For example, at 6:50 am the military time is 0650.
  • If the time is after 12:59 pm, we will add 12 hours to the regular time. For example, if the time is 5:14 pm then again add 12 hours to get 1714 in military time.
  • 12:00 am in military time is 0000 hours at the beginning of a day, and 2400 hours in military time is the end of the day.

Military Time Converter Examples

Example 1:

How much time in military time to standard time at 13:59?


Given time = 13:59

Now we will split HH and MM as 13 and 59

Since HH is greater than 12 so, subtract 12 from 13 and mark PM

Now write the time in HH: MM AM/PM format,

Hence, The military time is 01: 59 PM.

Example 2:

How much time in standard time to military time at 12:56 pm?


Given time = 12: 56 PM

Now write the time in HHMM format,

Hence, The military time is 1256.

Example 3:

How much time in standard time to military time at 12:16 am?


Given time = 12: 16 AM

Since it is AM, write 12 as 00 because in this case 12 am is considered 00.

Now write the time in HHMM format,

Hence, The military time is 0016.

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FAQs on Military Time Converter Calculator

1. How is 12 am written in military time?

12 am is considered as 00 in this case. 

2. Where do I find the steps to calculate the military time converter?

You can find the steps to calculate this particular calculator on our page.