Created By : Vaibhavi Kumari

Reviewed By : Phani Ponnapalli

Last Updated : Apr 20, 2023

Online Wh To mAh calculator helps convert watt-hours to milliamp-hour. Wh to mAh converter is calculated based on watt-hours and voltage in volts. It exactly divides the watt-hours by voltage and multiplies the total by 1000.

Watt-hours = Wh

Voltage = V

How to Calculate Wh To mAh Formula?

To understand the Wh To mAh calculation, let's take the following information as an example:

Milliamp-hours = Watts-hours / Voltage x 1000

Check the solved questions to know a clear idea of Wh To mAh.

Example For Finding Wh To mAh

1. How many mAh with 89 watt-hours and 66 voltages?


Given that,

Watts-hour = 89

Voltage =  66

How many Milliamp-hours with 89 watt-hours and 66voltages?

We know that,

Now, we will put the given data in the formula,

Milliamp-hours = Watts-hours / Voltage x 1000

Milliamp-hours =  89 / 66 x 1000

Milliamp-hours =  1348.48 mAh 

So, 89 watt-hours and 66 voltages are equal to 1348.48 mAh.

2. How many mAh with 76 watt-hours and 5 voltages?


Given that,

Watts-hour = 76

Voltage =  5

How many Milliamp-hours with 76 watt-hours and 5 voltages?

We know that,

Now, we will put the given data in the formula,

Milliamp-hours = Watts-hours / Voltage x 1000

Milliamp-hours = 76 / 5 x 1000

Milliamp-hours =  15200.0 mAh 

So, 76 watt-hours and 5 voltages are equal to 15200.0 mAh.

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FAQs on Wh To mAh Calculator

1. What is the fastest way to convert Wh To mAh?

The fastest way to convert Wh To mAh is by using our handy free tool i.e. Wh To mAh Calculator. 

2. How much mAh is in an hour?

1000 mAh is equal to 1 Amp Hour.

3. How to convert Wh To mAh directly?

To convert the Wh To mAh directly use the above formula to obtain the answer in mAh.