Created By : Vaibhavi Kumari

Reviewed By : Phani Ponnapalli

Last Updated : Apr 15, 2023

Have you ever found yourself wondering how many Wednesdays there are in a year? Whatever the reason, figuring out the number of Wednesdays in a year can be a useful task, and luckily there are several methods you can use to calculate this. Figuring out the number of Wednesdays in a year can be done through the How Many Wednesdays in a Year calculator. One way to calculate the number of Wednesdays in a year is to simply count them up.

Wednesdays in a year

How Many Wednesdays in 2023 ?

There are 0 Wednesdays in a year for 2023. In most years, there are 52 Wednesdays in a year because there are 52 weeks in a year. However, if a year starts on a Monday, it will end up with 53 Wednesdays. Also, in the case of a leap year, if a Monday falls on the first two days of the year, there will also be 53 Wednesdays in a year.

There are 0 Wednesdays in 2023

How Many Wednesdays in the Year 2023 ?

Procedure to find out how many Wednesdays in 2023 is given below.

The given year is 2023.

Number of days in a year = 365

365 can be written as 364 + 1

364 ÷ 7 = 52 weeks

Every week will have one Wednesday

52 weeks will have 52 Wednesdays.

Thus there are exactly 52 Wednesdays in the year 2023.

Solved Examples on How to Calculate how many Wednesdays are there in a year

Example 1.

Calculate how many Wednesdays are there in 2025.


The given year is 2025.

The number of days in a non-leap year is 365.

365 = 364 + 1

Divide 364 by 7 we get 52.

52 weeks will have 52 Wednesdays.

The year starts on Wednesday.

So, there are 53 Wednesdays in 2025.

Example 2.

Find out how many Wednesdays in 2027.


The given year is 2027.

The number of days in 2027 is 365.

365 can be written as 364 plus 1.

364 ÷ 7 = 52 weeks

52 weeks will have 52 Wednesdays.

Thus the year 2027 will have 52 Wednesdays.

Example 3.

How Many Wednesdays in the year 2024?


The given year is 2024.

2024 is a leap year.

The number of days in 2024 is 366.

366 can be written as 364 plus 2.

366 = 364 + 2

364 ÷ 7 = 52 weeks

Each week will have one Wednesday.

So, there are 52 Wednesdays in the year 2024.

Plan your schedule or satisfy your curiosity about the calendar by using different calculators from

FAQs on Number of Wednesdays in a Year

1. How do you calculate how many Wednesdays are there in a year?

We can calculate how many Wednesdays are in a year by dividing the number of days in a year by the number of days in a week.

2. How many Wednesdays are there in a leap year?

If the year starts with Tuesday or Wednesday, there will be 53 Wednesdays in a leap year.

3. Does the non-leap year have 53 Wednesdays?

If the year starts with Wednesday, there will be 53 Wednesdays in a non-leap year.