Created By : Vaibhavi Kumari

Reviewed By : Phani Ponnapalli

Last Updated : Apr 18, 2023

Mother's Day is a special day dedicated to celebrating and honoring mothers. It is a time to express gratitude and love for all the sacrifices and hard work that mothers do for their families. It is celebrated on Second Sundat of May every year. In this article, we will explore how to use a Mother's Day calculator to determine how many days are left until this special day. Once you have found a Mother's Day calculator that you like, simply enter the current date, and the calculator will automatically calculate how many days are left until Mother's Day.

Mother's Day Countdown

Days Hours Minutes Seconds

How Many More Days Until Mother's Day 2025 ?

There are 217 days until Mother's Day 2025. Mother's Day countdown calculator to show exactly when is Mother's Day 2025. Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

217 Days

When is Mother's Day 2025?

Mother's Day 2025 is on Tuesday, May 14, 2025

Find Out How Many Days Until Mothers Day 2025

You can learn how to find the exact number of days until Mother’s Day 2023 from here.

We know that Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May every year.

The second Sunday of May in 2023 is 14th May.

If today’s date is 17th April 2023, calculate the difference between 17th April to 14th May.

17 April 2023 - 14 May 2023 = 27 days

So, there are 27 days left until Mother’s Day 2023.

Examples of How Many More Days Are Left Until Mother’s Day

Example 1.

How Many More Days Are Left Until Mother’s Day on May 2 2023?

The given date is May 2 2023.

Mother's Day is celebrated on 14h May 2023.

Calculate the difference between May 2, 2023, to 14th May 2023.

May 2 2023 - 14th May 2023 = 12 days

So, there are 12 days left until Mother’s Day 2023 from 2nd May 2023.

Example 2.

How Many More Days Are Left Until Mother’s Day from Easter?

Easter is celebrated on April 9, 2023.

Mother's Day is celebrated on 14h May 2023.

Calculate the difference between April 9, 2023, to 14th May 2023.

April 9 2023 - 14th May 2023 = 36 days

So, there are 36 days left until Mother’s Day 2023 from Easter 2023.

Example 2.

How Many More Days Are Left Until Mother’s Day from Good Friday?

Good Friday is celebrated on April 7, 2023.

Mother's Day is celebrated on 14h May 2023.

Calculate the difference between April 7, 2023, to 14th May 2023.

April 7 2023 - 14th May 2023 = 38 days

So, there are 38 days left until Mother’s Day 2023 from Good Friday 2023. helps you avoid the last-minute rush and stress of trying to find the perfect gift or plan the perfect celebration.

FAQs on Countdown to Mother’s Day

1. When is Mother's Day celebrated?

Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May every year.

2. How many days until Mother's Day 2023?

There are exactly 27 days left until Mother's Day 2023.

3. When is Mother's Day celebrated in 2023?

Mother's Day is celebrated on 14h May 2023.