Created By : Vaibhavi Kumari

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : Apr 14, 2023

How Many Sundays in a Year?: - Get the Answer to this with the help of the How Many Sundays in a Year Calculator. You can find how many Sundays are there in a year with the help of our online calculator here. Just enter the year you want to find the number of Sundays and tap the calculate button. In this way, you can calculate how many Sundays in a year.

Sundays in a year

December 31, 2023

How Many Sundays in 2023 ?

There are 1 Sundays in 2023.

How to Calculate the Number of Sundays in a Year ?

There are some simple steps to find out how many Sundays in a given year. They are as follows,

Number of days in a year = 365

365 can be written as 364 + 1

364 ÷ 7 = 52 weeks

52 weeks will have 52 sundays.

If the year begins with sunday then we will have 53 sundays in a whole.

Examples on How many Sundays are there in a year

Example 1.

Calculate how many Sundays there are in the year 2020.


Given year = 2020.

The year 2020 is a leap year; it has 366 days.

366 = 364 + 2

364 ÷ 7 = 52 weeks

It has 52 weeks plus two days

December 31st, 2020 is a Thursday.

Example 2.

Calculate how many Sundays are in the year 2021.

Given year = 2021

Number of days in the year 2021 = 365

365 = 364 + 1

Each week will have 1 Sunday thus making a total of 52 Sundays

January 1st, 2021 is a Friday.

December 31st, 2021 is a Friday.

As it is not Sunday the total Sundays we have in the year 2021 is 52.

Example 3.

Find how many Sundays are in the year 2024.


Given year = 2024.

The year 2024 is a leap year; it has 366 days.

366 = 364 + 2

364 ÷ 7 = 52 weeks

It has 52 weeks plus two days

If the year starts with Sunday, there will be 53 Sundays in 2024.

January 1st, 2024 is a Monday. 

December 31st, 2024 is a Tuesday.

So, there are exactly 52 Sundays in 2024.

FAQs on How many Sundays in a Year

1. Can there be 53 Sundays in a year?

A non-leap year will have 52 Sundays in a year. If the year starts with Sunday, there can be 53 Sundays. 

2. How many Sundays in the year 2023?

There are 53 Sundays in the year 2023. The starting day of the year started with Sunday.

3. Why are there 52 Sundays in a year?

Number of days in a year = 365

365 = 364 + 1

364 ÷ 7 = 52 weeks

52 weeks will have 52 sundays.

Use similar calculators to find days in the year from This helps you to find the number of days in a month or year.