Created By : Vaibhavi Kumari

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : Apr 17, 2023

Martin Luther King Day is an important holiday that celebrates the life and legacy of one of the most influential leaders in American history. If you are planning a vacation or an event that coincides with the holiday, you can use the How Many Days Until Martin Luther King Day calculator to determine exactly how much time you have to prepare. The Martin Luther King Day Calculator provides the service and enters the current date and time. It automatically determines the number of days until the next Martin Luther King Day.

Martin Luther King Day Countdown

Days Hours Minutes Seconds

How Many More Days Until Martin Luther King Day 2025 ?

There are 28 days until Martin Luther King Day 2025. Martin Luther King Day countdown calculator to show exactly when is Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2025. Martin Luther King Day is celebrated every first Monday in September.

28 Days

When is Martin Luther King Day 2025?

Martin Luther King Day 2025 is on Tuesday, January 15, 2025

Calculate the Number of Until Martin Luther King Day

To calculate the number of days until Martin Luther King Day, you will need to know the date of the upcoming holiday. Since Martin Luther King Day is observed on the third Monday of January, you can use a calendar to find the date for the current year. Once you know the date, you can count the number of days until the holiday using a simple calculator. Martin Luther King Day is celebrated on 15th January 2024.

If today is April 15th 2023, calculate the difference from 15th April 2023 to 15 January 2024.
15 April 2023 - 15 January 2024 = 275 Days

So, there are exactly 275 days to celebrate Martin Luther King Day.

Examples of How Many Days Until Martin Luther King Day

Example 1.

How Many Days Until Martin Luther King Day from Christmas?


Christmas is celebrated on 25th December.

Martin Luther King Day is celebrated on 15th January 2024.

Calculate the difference from 25th December 2023 to 15 January 2024.

25th December 2023 - 15 January 2024 = 21 days

There are 21 days from Christmas to Martin Luther King Day.

Example 2.

How Many Days Until Martin Luther King Day from New Year?


New Year is celebrated on 1st January 2024.

Martin Luther King Day is celebrated on 15th January 2024.

Calculate the difference from 1st January 2024 to 15 January 2024.

1st January 2024 - 15 January 2024 = 14 days

There are 14 days from New Year to Martin Luther King Day.

Example 3.

How Many Days Until Martin Luther King Day from Thanksgiving?


Thanksgiving is celebrated on 23rd November 2023.

Martin Luther King Day is celebrated on 15th January 2024.

Calculate the difference from 23rd November 2023 to 15 January 2024.

23rd November 2023 - 15 January 2024 = 53 days

There are 53 days from Thanksgiving to Martin Luther King Day.

In addition to the Martin Luther King Day calculator, there are also other resources available at

FAQs on How Many More Days Until Martin Luther King Day

1. What week is Martin Luther King Day?

Martin Luther King Day is on the third Monday of January.

2. When is Martin Luther King Day 2024?

Martin Luther King Day Day 2024 is on Monday, January 15, 2024.

3. How Many Days Until Martin Luther King Day?

There are 275 days until Martin Luther King Day 2024.