Created By : Vaibhavi Kumari

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : Oct 18, 2023

The Texas Sales Tax Calculator helps us to calculate the Texas Sales Tax. The Texas Sales Tax is calculated based on the given input box and its fields. Just click on the calculate button to get the answer in no time.

Cost/Price: $
Sales Tax: %

Steps To Calculate Texas Sales Tax Calculator

Before Tax Price :

Total Sales Tax :

Total Cost/Price :

Input Values are:

Tax Price = $100

Sales Tax = 5.5 %

Profit Margin Calculator Results

Before Tax Price = Tax Price
Before Tax Price = $100

Total Sales Tax = salesTax/100*Tax Price
Total Sales Tax = $5.5/100*$100
Total Sales Tax = $5.50

Total Cost/Price = salesTaxAmount + Tax Price
Total Cost/Price = $5.50 + $100
Total Cost/Price = $105.50

Profit Margin Calculator Results for Tax Inclusive

Before Tax Price = Tax Price / (1+salesTax/100)
Before Tax Price = $100 / (1+$5.5/100)
Before Tax Price = $94.79

Total Sales Tax = Total Tax Price - Before Tax Price
Total Sales Tax = 100 - $94.79
Total Sales Tax = $5.21

Total Cost/Price = Tax Price
Total Cost/Price = $100.00

What Is Exactly Texas Sales Tax ?

Texas Sales Tax calculates the Cost/Price and Sales Tax for any Texas Sales it also has an extra check box option named Tax Inclusive by which the gross price as well as the amount to be added to the net price.

Basic Formula Of Texas Sales Tax

  • Total Sales Tax = sales tax/100*Tax Price
  • Total Cost/Price = salesTaxAmount + Tax Price
  • Before Tax Price = Tax Price / (1+salesTax/100)
  • Total Sales Tax = Total Tax Price - Before Tax Price

FAQs on Texas Sales Tax Calculator

1. What is a Texas Sales Tax Calculator?

Texas Sales Tax exactly calculates the Cost/Price and Sales Tax for any Texas Sales.

2. Where do I get an online Texas Sales Tax Calculator for free? is a trusted and reliable web portal that will provide you with free online calculators for all math calculations. So, from here you can easily get an online money calculator without a single penny.